Vydáno dne 11.05.2013
Přesvědčte se, zda umíte používat slovíčko THANK a spojení a struktury, které s ním souvisí.
Would you like some coffee? – No, ________.
When Marissa said she loved him, Ryan just ________ her.
It was a lovely evening. Thank you. – No, ________!
You have nothing to thank me ________. I did it for both of us.
I'd like to give ________ to my friends who were a great inspiration to me.
My brother was in an accident. ________ nothing serious happened to him.
Being a politician is ________ job.
Thanks ________ the thunderstorm last night our basement was completely flooded.
I don't have any social life and I think I have my job to ________.
________ thanks for the opportunity to participate. It was a great conference.