Zvratná zájmena a podobné jevy 2

Vydáno dne 16.05.2014

Znáte dobře zvratná zájmena a další podobné výrazy, které se v angličtině liší od českých výrazů? Díky tomuto cvičení se můžete přesvědčit, zda tuto část gramatiky opravdu zvládáte.

Vaším úkolem bude doplňovat následující výrazy do připravených vět. Do každé věty se hodí jeden výraz. Každý výraz použijte jen jednou.

itself themselves in yourself yourself
him himself by himself with herself
to each other with each other each other together

  1. Voldemort forbade the Deatheaters to kill Harry. He wanted to kill Harry  ________________________ .

  2. If you're nervous, we can go there ________________________ .

  3. I think Jane and Peter have had a row. They're not talking to ________________________ , have you noticed?

  4. ‘Amanda’s going to sing.‘ – 'Oh, not again. She’s horrid. And always so pleased ________________________ . Disgusting.'

  5. Your children are so sweet. They so nicely play ________________________ .

  6. First of all, you have to believe ________________________ . The rest is quite easy.

  7. Steve is very skilful. He built his house all ________________________ .

  8. Why are you shouting at me? You never shout at me. You're not  ________________________ !

  9. Mary's parents blame ________________________ for her injury. They think they should have taken her to the doctor's earlier.

  10. If you two had a fight and you want to be friends again, you should apologize ________________________  now.

  11. Victor didn't want to go there alone so he took his best friend with  ________________________ .

  12. The book ________________________ is really interesting so I'm quite curious about the film.

Správné odpovědi: 1) himself ; 2) together ; 3) each other ; 4) with herself ; 5) with each other ; 6) in yourself ; 7) by himself ; 8) yourself ; 9) themselves ; 10) to each other ; 11) him ; 12) itself
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