The Lord of the Rings Quiz: People

Vydáno dne 31.01.2015

Další ze seriálu o světě Pána prstenů vás prověří jak v angličtině, tak ve vašich znalostech Tolkienových postav. Zařadili jsme extra lehké otázky, ale ani ty zákeřné vás neminou! Are you ready?

  1. “Pippin” was a short name for ________.
    1. Percival
    2. Peregrine
    3. Philip
    4. Pierce
  2. Denethor, the father of Boromir and Faramir, was a ________ of Gondor.
    1. horseman
    2. king
    3. steward
    4. valet
  3. Legolas, the son of Thranduil, came from ________.

    1. Fangorn
    2. Gondor
    3. Lothlórien
    4. Mirkwood
  4. Mithrandir was ________'s other name.

    1. Aragorn
    2. Elrond
    3. Gandalf
    4. Saruman
  5. The Ent that found Merry and Pippin in the Fangorn forest was called ________.
    1. Quickbeam
    2. Tom Bombadil
    3. Treebeard
    4. Yavanna
  6. What language did the Hobbits speak?

    1. American English
    2. Black Speech
    3. Common Speech
    4. Hobbit
  7. Who made the One Ring?

    1. Balrog
    2. Morgoth
    3. Ring-wraiths
    4. Sauron
  8. It was ________, the Lady of Rohan, who destroyed the King of Angmar, the Chief of the Nazgul.
    1. Arwen
    2. Éowyn
    3. Galadriel
    4. Rose
  9. The Elves were also called the ________.

    1. Ainur
    2. First-born
    4. Valar
  10. Aragorn, son of Arathorn, was one of the ________, the descendants of the High Kings.
    1. Dúnedain
    2. Istari
    3. Rohirrim
    4. Sindar
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) c, 3) d, 4) c, 5) c, 6) c, 7) d, 8) b, 9) b, 10) a
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