The Passive (test)

Vydáno dne 29.01.2015

Test zaměřený na používání činného a trpného rodu v různých gramatických strukturách.

  1. Last year the parade ________ due to heavy rain.

    1. had to be canceled
    2. had to cancel
    3. was had to be canceled
    4. was had to cancel
  2. The Human Resources Department ________ my application and didn't even bother to tell me why.

    1. had been rejected
    2. rejected
    3. was rejected
    4. would have rejected
  3. He kissed her the way everyone dreams of ________.

    1. being kissed
    2. having kissed
    3. kissing
    4. to be kissed
  4. A biennial event is an event which ________ once every two years.

    1. has held
    2. holds
    3. is being held
    4. is held
  5. So far the organizers ________ Bryan Adams on the festival's lineup.

    1. haven't been confirmed
    2. haven't confirmed
    3. not being confirmed
    4. not confirming
  6. My cat really enjoys ________ with a brush or a comb.

    1. being groomed
    2. grooming
    3. to be groomed
    4. to groom
  7. There are still a few issues that need ________.

    1. being clarified
    2. clarify
    3. to be clarified
    4. to clarify
  8. I can't stand people ________ me when I'm studying.

    1. being interrupted
    2. interrupting
    3. to be interrupted
    4. to interrupt
  9. The thief was smiling while he ________. He knew they would have to let him go.

    1. has been arrested
    2. has been being arrested
    3. was arresting
    4. was being arrested
  10. Kids are used to ________ what to do. What they need to learn is how to make their own decisions.

    1. be told
    2. being told
    3. tell
    4. telling
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) b, 3) a, 4) d, 5) b, 6) a, 7) c, 8) b, 9) d, 10) b
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