Vydáno dne 16.05.2014
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English
noun - a song that is very special for a country and is played on special occasions
adjective - given life
adjective - very sad, especially because you lost someone you loved
noun - the planet that we live on
adverb - one or the other
noun - a silly person
verb - to pick one from a number of options or possibilities
verb - to be down on the knees or to get down on your knees
adverb - not as much as something else or someone else
verb - to be unfair or cruel to somebody, especially if you are in a position of authority
noun - a small hard object that sometimes forms in an oyster, it is used to make jewellery
verb, informal - to pretend not to be affected by something, not to show how you feel
verb - to have the power over a country, people etc. and use it
noun - a law or order that tells people what they should or have to do
adjective - making sensible decisions, especially due to a lot of experience and knowledge; sensible, based on good judgement
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