Homophones 2 - irregular verbs

Vydáno dne 02.03.2017

Homofony jsou výrazy, které stejně zní, ale jinak se píší. Zkuste si, zda znáte slova, která se vyslovují jako minulé tvary nepravidelných sloves.

V každé větě vždy doplňte jedno slovo tak, aby věta dávala smysl.
V každé dvojici vět je vždy jedno z doplněných slov nepravidelné sloveso v minulém tvaru + obě slova se musí vyslovovat stejně.
Pozor! V některých případech jde o homofony pouze v britské angličtině!

Could you lend me some money? – No, I haven't got a CENT!
Who SENT you this letter?

___________________________(1) day, I will move to Australia.
I ___________________________(2) the race last year.

My little brother can count up to ten, but he always misses ___________________________(3)  – he says “six, seven, nine, ten”!
Where is your homework, Kate? – I'm sorry, Miss, our dog ___________________________(4) it yesterday.

The wind ___________________________(5) our kite far away.
One of her eyes was green and the other was  ___________________________(6) .

“The ___________________________(7) goes ever on and on…” sang Bilbo on his way.
Yesterday I secretly ___________________________(8) my brother's motor­cycle.

My grandpa remembers the ___________________________(9) . He says you had to kill otherwise they killed you.
The dress Cinderella ___________________________(10) for the last ball was made of gold.

Jane ___________________________(11) my secret but I was sure she wouldn't tell.
What's ___________________________(12) ? – I'm getting married next month. – Wow, congrats!

The new president drove ___________________________(13) the gate to the White House.
My schoolmates ___________________________(14) a lot of snowballs at me, but it was just fun.

The police recognized the bank robber in the video and he was ___________________________(15) the very same day.
I watched Barbara every day on the tennis  ___________________________(16) .

How was the contest? What about your new plane? – First it ___________________________(17) . Then it fell.
I don't feel well. I have a headache and sore throat. I think I have the  ___________________________(18) .

Have you ever ___________________________(19) anything by A.C.Clarke?
Why are you so ___________________________(20) ? – James has just kissed me!

Správné odpovědi: 1) One ; 2) won ; 3) eight ; 4) ate ; 5) blew ; 6) blue ; 7) road ; 8) rode ; 9) war ; 10) wore ; 11) knew ; 12) new ; 13) through ; 14) threw ; 15) caught ; 16) court ; 17) flew ; 18) flu ; 19) read ; 20) red
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