Zloději a krádeže (quiz)

Vydáno dne 22.08.2017

Test zaměřený na slovní zásobu spojenou se zloději a krádežemi.

  1. In the movie Point Break a gang ________ banks in ex-presidents' masks.

    1. mug
    2. rips
    3. robs
    4. steals
  2. He was falsely accused of cattle ________.

    1. burglary
    2. robbery
    3. stealth
    4. theft
  3. You paid a hundred dollars for this? I think they ________ you off.

    1. mugged
    2. ripped
    3. robbed
    4. stole
  4. We were ________ while we were on vacation.

    1. burglarized
    2. lockpicked
    3. stolen
    4. theft
  5. The bank vault was impossible to ________ into, or so they claimed.

    1. break
    2. pick
    3. rip
    4. steal
  6. When no one was looking, he ________ the ring and put it in his pocket.

    1. swapped
    2. swatted
    3. swiped
    4. swooped
  7. They usually work in pairs – one will distract you while the other ________ your pockets.

    1. lifts
    2. picks
    3. pinches
    4. thieves
  8. The ________ triggered the alarm when he smashed the window.

    1. burglar
    2. mugger
    3. robbery
    4. theft
  9. You are likely to get ________ if you walk through that neighborhood at night.

    1. burglarized
    2. mugged
    3. pinched
    4. stolen
  10. He was robbed ________ all his money.

    1. away
    2. from
    3. of
    4. out
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) d, 3) b, 4) a, 5) a, 6) c, 7) b, 8) a, 9) b, 10) c
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