Vydáno dne 22.08.2017
Test zaměřený na slovní zásobu spojenou se zloději a krádežemi.
In the movie Point Break a gang ________ banks in ex-presidents' masks.
He was falsely accused of cattle ________.
You paid a hundred dollars for this? I think they ________ you off.
We were ________ while we were on vacation.
The bank vault was impossible to ________ into, or so they claimed.
When no one was looking, he ________ the ring and put it in his pocket.
They usually work in pairs – one will distract you while the other ________ your pockets.
The ________ triggered the alarm when he smashed the window.
You are likely to get ________ if you walk through that neighborhood at night.
He was robbed ________ all his money.