Vydáno dne 13.09.2017

Otestujte si znalost použití slovíček OTHER, THE OTHER, ANOTHER, OTHERS atd.

  1. When I was a kid, I had two beautiful cats. One was called Smokey and ________ was Bella. I absolutely adored them.

    1. another
    2. other
    3. the other
    4. the others
  2. We've invited ten people to the casting. When the director arrived, there were only six people sitting in the waiting room. And now he wants to know where ________ are.

    1. another
    2. other
    3. the other
    4. the others
  3. Many people get up very early in the morning, because they start work early. I feel sorry for them. ________ , like me, may stay in bed until noon.

    1. Another
    2. Others
    3. The other
    4. The others
  4. Honey, the juicer is broken again. – Again? We will have to buy ________ one, then. I'll do it this afternoon, I promise.

    1. another
    2. other
    3. others
    4. the other
  5. Poland, Germany and Spain are European countries. Can you name some ________ countries?

    1. another
    2. other
    3. others
    4. the other
  6. I loved the book you lent me last month. Do you have ________ books by the same author that I could borrow?

    1. another
    2. other
    3. others
    4. the others
  7. There were a lot of people at the party last night. I only knew two of them, though. The host and his wife. Who were ________ guests?

    1. another
    2. other
    3. the other
    4. the others
  8. Cheer up, Jack! It's your birthday party after all. Who wants ________ beer? I'm going to have one for sure.

    1. another
    2. other
    3. others
    4. the other
  9. One of the many Christmas presents I got is quite stupid, dad, but ________ are great.

    1. another
    2. other
    3. the other
    4. the others
  10. Why do some volcanoes explode and ________ don't? Watch our next show.

    1. another
    2. other
    3. others
    4. the other
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) d, 3) b, 4) a, 5) b, 6) b, 7) c, 8) a, 9) d, 10) c