Cvičení: IT vs. THERE

Vydáno dne 05.10.2017

Umíte správně vyjádřit český nevyjádřený podmět pomocí IT, THEY nebo THERE?

This is my house. ________________________________ (1) quite small, but ________________________________ (2) a big garden next to it. ________________________________ (3) one bedroom downstairs and one bedroom upstairs. Come in. The kitchen is here and ________________________________ (4) quite simple. ________________________________ (5) an old fridge and ________________________________ (6) really noisy. ________________________________ (7) a dishwasher, but it's ok. The kitchen cabinets are old too, but I painted them last month and I think ________________________________ (8) much better now. ________________________________ (9) a dining table in the corner and six chairs. ________________________________ (10) very comfortable. Please sit down.

    1. a) Is
    2. b) It's
    3. c) There's
    4. d) They are
    1. a) is
    2. b) it is
    3. c) there's
    4. d) they are
    1. a) It is
    2. b) There are
    3. c) There is
    4. d) They are
    1. a) are
    2. b) it's
    3. c) there is
    4. d) there's
    1. a) It is
    2. b) It's
    3. c) There are
    4. d) There's
    1. a) it's
    2. b) there is
    3. c) there's
    4. d) they're
    1. a) It is
    2. b) It's
    3. c) There are
    4. d) There isn't
    1. a) are
    2. b) there are
    3. c) there's
    4. d) they are
    1. a) It is
    2. b) There are
    3. c) There is
    4. d) They are
    1. a) Are
    2. b) There are
    3. c) There is
    4. d) They're
Správné odpovědi: 1) It's , 2) there's , 3) There is , 4) it's , 5) There's , 6) it's , 7) There isn't , 8) they are , 9) There is , 10) They're

Po vyhodnocení si posuňte myš na barevné kolečko u vaší odpovědi, kde najdete vysvětlení. Pokud jste nedosáhli výsledku podle vašich představ, můžete si přečíst základní článek o vazbě THERE IS/ARE v našem kurzu pro začátečníky nebo pokročilejší článek o nevyjádřením podmětu.

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