Words of the Day (Dec 2017) - quiz A

Vydáno dne 02.01.2018

Test zaměřený na deset slov, která se u nás v prosinci 2017 objevila v rámci ‘Slovíček dne’.

  1. Don't get me wrong. I like wine or beer, but I usually don't drink any ________.

    1. booze
    2. liqueur
    3. liquor
    4. spirit
  2. Our ________ doesn't mind if we pay our rent a few days later.

    1. concierge
    2. housekeeper
    3. janitor
    4. landlord
  3. Jack's mother kissed him on the ________ and he started to giggle.

    1. belly button
    2. belly flop
    3. navel button
    4. tummy seal
  4. I never untie my ________ and when I put the shoes on I use a shoehorn.

    1. shoe cords
    2. shoe lines
    3. shoe ropes
    4. shoelaces
  5. My wife just loves films with ________ and then she often cries.

    1. happy endings
    2. happy ends
    3. happy finishes
    4. happy tails
  6. I bought a phone holder that I use when I go jogging. I fasten it around my arm using ________.

    1. a dry zip
    2. a dry zipper
    3. a tag
    4. Velcro
  7. The online shop sells ________ furniture. That's furniture designed to look used and worn. Some people like it.

    1. old chic
    2. shabby chic
    3. shattered chic
    4. showy chic
  8. Come on, ________. Finish the email and let's go. We don't have all day.

    1. chip-chip
    2. chop-chop
    3. shoo-shoo
    4. shush-shush
  9. They decorated the Christmas tree with beautiful ________. It looked magnificent.

    1. balloons
    2. baubles
    3. bobbles
    4. bubbles
  10. They pulled the ________ that were lying on the table, put on the paper hats, and tucked into their Christmas dinner.

    1. Christmas baubles
    2. Christmas crackers
    3. Christmas sleighs
    4. Christmas stockings
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) d, 3) a, 4) d, 5) a, 6) d, 7) b, 8) b, 9) b, 10) b
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