Party Time! (test)

Vydáno dne 19.01.2018

Test zaměřený na slovní zásobu a kolokace z oblasti večírků, oslav apod.

  1. The party was in full ________ when I arrived.

    1. bloom
    2. spirit
    3. steam
    4. swing
  2. Don't be such a party ________. Just get yourself a drink and have fun!

    1. animal
    2. blocker
    3. bore
    4. pooper
  3. I'm having a few friends ________ tonight. Do you know of a good party game that we could play?

    1. about
    2. across
    3. around
    4. over
  4. Tomorrow is Blaire's last day and we're ________ her a leaving party.

    1. kicking
    2. pulling
    3. throwing
    4. touching
  5. He ________ the party pretending to be one of the musicians.

    1. crash-landed
    2. crashed out
    3. crushed
    4. gatecrashed
  6. The police ________ up the party at 2 AM after complaints from neighbours.

    1. broke
    2. ended
    3. picked
    4. stopped
  7. Janie is having a ________ party tonight with her two best friends.

    1. pillow
    2. sleepover
    3. slumber
    4. snooze
  8. John arrived at the party without a ________, which made her happy.

    1. couple
    2. date
    3. pair
    4. plus
  9. Dave insisted he didn't want a stripper at his ________ party.

    1. deer
    2. hen
    3. rooster
    4. stag
  10. I wasn't really in a party ________ so I refused the invitation and stayed home.

    1. feeling
    2. mood
    3. skin
    4. spirit
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) d, 3) d, 4) c, 5) d, 6) a, 7) c, 8) b, 9) d, 10) b
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