Words of the Day (Feb 2018) - quiz A

Vydáno dne 01.03.2018

Test zaměřený na deset slov, která se u nás v únoru 2018 objevila v rámci ‘Slovíček dne’.

  1. You went out without asking your father? I'm sure you ________ his feathers.

    1. messed
    2. ruffled
    3. turned
    4. upset
  2. I will say it ________ then. I think you made a mistake by buying that expensive car.

    1. bluntly
    2. brightly
    3. neatly
    4. purely
  3. Don't worry. I can do more things at a time. I can ________ and listen to you attentively.

    1. doodle
    2. noodle
    3. poodle
    4. puddle
  4. Having a ________ helped a lot, because we could see the cave paintings much better. But then it flickered and died.

    1. flash
    2. lightning
    3. shine
    4. torch
  5. And you believe him? Don't you know he's a compulsive liar? I'm sure he ________.

    1. did it up
    2. made it out
    3. made it up
    4. turned it down
  6. He's been with the company for more than five years and he's a great boss, I believe. All his ________ respect him and happily obey his orders.

    1. subordinates
    2. substitutes
    3. superiors
    4. supervisors
  7. My neighbour always had to ________ her little daughter to behave by giving her candy when they went shopping.

    1. bribe
    2. doodle
    3. smack
    4. wipe
  8. The dress was very old and the ________ was even torn in several places. There was no way she could wear it.

    1. fabric
    2. feather
    3. matter
    4. patch
  9. When she saw the beautiful coat in the shop window, it simply ________ her fancy and she had to have it.

    1. irritated
    2. ruffled
    3. teased
    4. tickled
  10. The groom was waiting by the altar, expecting the ________ to walk down the aisle led by her father.

    1. bride
    2. maid of honour
    3. newlywed
    4. spouse
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) a, 3) a, 4) d, 5) c, 6) a, 7) a, 8) a, 9) d, 10) a
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