Vydáno dne 24.08.2018
Další desítka fotografií z Velké Británie, na kterých si můžete
otestovat, jak rozumíte různým nápisům a cedulím.
This equipment saves lives. What is it?
This is a special offer from a British pub. If I can't decide which cider to get, I can have a tasting menu. What's in it?
I have something I want to get rid of, for example an old shoe. I see a bin, but when I come closer I discover it's full. What shall I do with the old shoe?
The second part of this sign is clear. It may sound unusual, but the meaning is clear. The first part, though, is written in a different language. What language is it?
They will repair your shoes here and cut new keys. How long does it take?
What happens if I'm caught without a valid ticket?
This is another special offer from a British pub. What does it say?
This is a sign from a hotel bathroom.