Vydáno dne 28.09.2018
Kvíz zaměřený na různé školní pomůcky, předměty ve
třídě apod.
Vyberte z nabídky vždy tu možnost, která se do věty hodí nejvíce.
Jednotlivá slovíčka se můžete (před kvízem nebo po něm) naučit zde: Classroom Items (vocabulary)
John, sit at your ________ and finish your work.
I put the textbooks in my ________ and went to school.
No, you can't use a ________ in the math test.
Someone took my pen from my ________ case.
The teacher wrote on the ________ with a piece of chalk.
If you don't know a word, look it up in a ________.
Which pencil is yours? – The one with the ________ on the end.
If you don't have your notebook, write it down on a piece of ________.
Use a ________ to draw a line exactly 10 centimeters long.
I need to sharpen my ________.