Vydáno dne 27.10.2017
Slovíčka označující běžná zvířata.
noun - an animal with feathers and wings, it can usually fly
noun - a small animal that lives in people's homes as a pet and catches mice
noun - a large farm animal that gives milk
noun - an animal that often lives with people or helps them hunt or work on a farm, it is very friendly, people often keep it as a pet
noun - an animal that lives and breathes in water and swims, it hasn't got any legs
noun - a large animal that people use for riding or pulling heavy things
noun - a farm bird that cannot fly, a hen or a rooster, people eat its meat
noun - a small furry animal with grey or brown hair and a long tail
noun - a fat farm animal that is kept for its meat, it is usually pink and goes 'oink oink'
noun - A small black creature with eight legs. It catches and eats insects
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