Vydáno dne 27.10.2017
Podstatná jména spojená s domem a místnostmi v něm.
noun - the room where you can wash, have a bath or a shower, there is sometimes a toilet, too
noun - the room where people usually sleep
noun - the lower floor of a house
noun - an area near a house where people grow flowers or vegetables, and where they often relax
noun - a small room inside the entrance of a house, a space inside the entrance of a building
noun - a building in which people live, usually one family
noun - The room where you cook and prepare meals. There is usually a cooker, a fridge, some cupboards, etc.
noun - The room in the house or flat, where you usually relax, watch TV or welcome guests
noun - a place in the house with four walls, a door etc.
noun - the upper floor of a house
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