Vydáno dne 27.10.2017
Slovíčka označující různé potraviny.
noun - a kind of round fruit which usually has a red, yellow or green skin
noun - a kind of food baked from flour and water, you can make sandwiches and toasts from it
noun - a kind of yellow milk product which you can spread on a slice of bread etc.
noun - an oval white thing that comes from hens, people eat it boiled or fried etc.
noun - boiled or smoked pork meat that is usually cut into thin slices
noun - a kind of milk product, usually white or yellow, people eat it with bread, on pizza, with pasta etc.
noun - the food that comes from the flesh of animals, you can buy it at the butcher's
noun - a kind of yellow vegetable with brown skin that grows under the ground, french fries or chips are made from it
noun - a food grain that is grown in wet and hot places, it is usually white, it is very popular in China
noun - a kind of cold food that is made up of many different kinds of raw vegetables and sometimes mayonnaise etc.
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