Vydáno dne 27.10.2017
Slovíčka spojená se školou.
noun - a dark board used in a school, the teacher writes on it with a piece of chalk
noun - a room in a school where the lessons take place, there are usually desks and chairs for students and the teacher, a blackboard, etc.
noun - a kind of table which you use for work, studying, etc.
noun - a small book into which you can write things which you want to remember
noun - a thing which you use to write with, usually in blue ink
noun - a thing which you use for writing or drawing, it is usually made of wood
noun - a small case in which you can carry pens, pencils etc.
noun - a person who goes to school regularly in order to prepare for a future job
noun - a person who teaches in a school, works with children and helps them with learning
noun - a book used by students to study from
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