Vydáno dne 27.10.2017
Slovíčka spojená s domy a budovami.
noun - a stucture with walls and a roof
noun - a thing made of wood or glass etc, which you open in order to get in or out of a building, car etc.
noun - a machine that can take you from one floor of a building to another
noun - the way that leads out of a building etc.
noun - a storey, a level of a building
noun - the top of a building that protects it from rain and wind and snow
noun - a place in the house with four walls, a door etc.
noun - steps that people can use to climb from one floor to another
noun - the side of a room or house, it can be made of bricks or wood etc.
noun - a flat piece of glass in a wooden or plastic frame in a wall, it usually opens, and you can look through it
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