Vydáno dne 27.10.2017
Slovní zásoba spojená s městy.
noun - a building where you can put or take out money, take a loan etc.
noun - a stucture with walls and a roof
noun - a large town with many people
noun - an open green area in a town or city where people can go to relax, sit down, have a picnic etc.
noun - the institution or men and women whose job is to protect people, make everybody obey the law, catch criminals etc.
noun - a large open space among buildings, several streets usually meet here
noun, American English - a place where you can buy some things
noun - a road in a town with houses and buildings on both sides
noun - A large shop where you can do your shopping and pay at a check-out point
noun - a place with many houses and buildings where people live, work etc., it is bigger than a village
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