Vydáno dne 27.10.2017
Slovíčka označující různé přístroje a spotřebiče.
noun - a machine that can be used to do maths, type, draw, play games, watch videos, listen to music, surf the internet etc.
noun, British English - a piece of kitchen equipment that has an oven and electric or gas rings to cook on
noun - a piece of electrical equipment which you use for washing the dishes
noun - a piece of electrical equipment where you store food in order to keep it cold and fresh
noun - a kitchen appliance in which you can bake or roast etc.
noun - a device or a system that enables people to talk to each other across large distances, you need a number to call somebody using this system
noun - a device that is used for playing music, it receives broadcasts by using an aerial
noun - a device used to play music
noun - a box with a glass screen where we can watch films, series and other programmes
noun - a machine that you use to wash your clothes
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