Vydáno dne 27.10.2017
Slovní zásoba spojená s fast food restauracemi.
noun, informal - a flat piece of fried minced meet in a bun, usually with ketchup, mustard, lettuce, onions and other vegetables
noun - (trademark) a cold dark non-alcoholic drink
noun - a liquid, such as water, which you take into your body through your mouth
noun, American English - fried long thin pieces of potatoes
noun - the meat of a small farm bird that cannot fly
noun - a sweet frozen mixture that people love eating especially on hot summer days
noun - a drink made by mixing milk, sugar and fruits etc.
noun - a kind of savoury cake with cheese, tomato sauce, ham etc., it comes from Italy
noun - a kind of cold food that is made up of many different kinds of raw vegetables and sometimes mayonnaise etc.
noun - two pieces of bread with cheese and ham etc. between them
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