Vydáno dne 08.11.2017
Slovíčka spojená s osobní hygienou.
noun - the act of washing your body in a bathtub
noun - the room where you can wash, have a bath or a shower, there is sometimes a toilet, too
verb - to clean with a brush
noun - a kind of liquid soap that you use for washing your hair
noun - a piece of equipment which produces a spray of water to wash your body, it can also be a small room or a part of a room where you wash
noun - a thing made from oils and fats which people use to wash their body, it usually smells nice and can be of any colour
noun - a large flushable bowl with a seat on it that you can use to get rid of the waste material in your body, a small room with such a bowl in it
noun - soft paper that you use when you go to the toilet
noun - a substance that you put on the toothbrush and brush your teeth with it
verb - to clean with water
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