Vydáno dne 22.01.2008
Slovíčka ze zjednodušené povídky E. A. Poe.
verb - to hit something repeatedly
adjective - sure about yourself, your abilities, your opinions, etc.
noun - a serious illness
verb - to interrupt somebody from doing something, e.g. from work, sleep etc.
noun - a very thin layer of something
noun - one of the boards that the floor is made of
verb - to make a deep sound showing your pain or sadness
verb - to find out all information and facts about a crime
noun - a light that can be carried in a kind of box with glass sides
noun - a mad or crazy person
verb - to act like something is true but it is not, to act in a deceptive way
noun - a loud cry of terror or intense pain
noun - one of the five physical powers ( sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch)
noun - a glorious victory
noun - a large bird that usually eats dead animals
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