Vydáno dne 07.02.2018
Slovíčka ze zjednodušené povídky Dagon.
noun - the lowest part, the base on which something stands
noun - the rocks that form the coast of a sea
noun - a vertical post made of stone, esp. used to support a roof etc.
noun - a stream, a flow (of water, electricity etc.)
verb - to be carried by a current of water, air etc.
verb - to make something not wet or humid
verb - to be unable to breathe because of something that's in your throat
noun - a narrow horizontal surface that sticks out from a wall or rock etc.
noun - a hole in the ground
verb - to make something clean and shiny (esp. by rubbing it)
noun - a person who attacks or enters a place suddenly and violently
verb - to decay, to decompose
verb - to have the power over a country, people etc. and use it
verb - to go down under water, to go down to the bottom
verb - to drive a ship or car etc. by using a driving wheel
noun - things that you can use (especially those necessary for life such as food, money, etc.)
noun - a marsh, an area with soft wet ground
adjective - not strong; not having much energy or power
adjective - having skin between the fingers that makes it easier for some animals to swim (e.g. ducks, frogs etc.)
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