Words of the Day (Aug 2019) - quiz B

Vydáno dne 04.09.2019

Druhý test zaměřený na vybraných 10 slov, která se v průběhu srpna 2019 objevila v rámci ‘Slovíček dne’ na našich stránkách.

  1. He kept ________ me with stupid questions. I didn't know what to do.

    1. bombarding
    2. bombing
    3. grooming
    4. throwing
  2. I'm sorry. It was just a harmless ________ comment.

    1. tongue-in-face
    2. tongue-in-cheek
    3. tooth-in-face
    4. tooth-in-cheek
  3. You should first ________ the chopped onions and then add the garlic.

    1. rest
    2. sauté
    3. sear
    4. tan
  4. There was a wooden ________ and a beautiful brass water feature in the corner of the garden.

    1. abyss
    2. binge
    3. gazebo
    4. nibble
  5. Their new song has a really ________ tune, but the lyrics are awful.

    1. catchy
    2. grumpy
    3. rusty
    4. silly
  6. We had a long sightseeing tour and when we got back we found a ________ bottle of sparkling wine in our room.

    1. complementary
    2. compliant
    3. complimentary
    4. complimenting
  7. The new ________ they're displaying in the shop window look a bit old-fashioned, don't you think?

    1. dress
    2. goods
    3. jewellery
    4. stuff
  8. She discovered a ________ in the dishwasher door and had to call in a repairman.

    1. beak
    2. bleak
    3. leak
    4. leek
  9. The coffee was still hot, so she put the mug back on the ________.

    1. boaster
    2. coaster
    3. roaster
    4. toaster
  10. The other policeman put a pair of ________ on Jason's wrists and led him out of the room.

    1. handbells
    2. handclaws
    3. handcuffs
    4. handrails
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) b, 3) b, 4) c, 5) a, 6) c, 7) b, 8) c, 9) b, 10) c
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