Words of the Day (Sep 2019) - quiz A

Vydáno dne 01.10.2019

Test zaměřený na vybraných 10 slov, která se v průběhu září 2019 objevila v rámci ‘Slovíček dne’ na našich stránkách.

  1. Dogs thrive ________ praise and admiration.

    1. ---
    2. in
    3. on
    4. without
  2. Because he didn't speak English, he brought ________ to the meeting.

    1. a converter
    2. a translator
    3. an adapter
    4. an interpreter
  3. We didn't understand how he could be ________ matter-of-fact about such a terrifying thing.

    1. as a
    2. for that
    3. so
    4. such a
  4. If she's a ________ for horror movies, she'll love The Shining.

    1. coaster
    2. fresher
    3. sucker
    4. whopper
  5. Someone was at the door but it was dark so I couldn't ________ out who it was.

    1. look
    2. make
    3. see
    4. turn
  6. The letter B is ________ in ‘bomb’ or ‘climb’.

    1. calm
    2. quiet
    3. shut
    4. silent
  7. I was sick for two weeks and now I have to deal with my ________ of homework.

    1. backlog
    2. catalog
    3. clog
    4. log
  8. First-year college students are referred to as ________ in the USA.

    1. freshmen
    2. juniors
    3. seniors
    4. sophomores
  9. Everyone was impressed by her ________ success.

    1. catchy
    2. matter-of-factly
    3. no-nonsense
    4. whopping
  10. Because it was raining, the kids didn't ________ recess.

    1. go outside during
    2. like the smell of
    3. stay in the
    4. wear their
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) d, 3) c, 4) c, 5) b, 6) d, 7) a, 8) a, 9) d, 10) a
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