Vydáno dne 05.03.2020
Otestujte si své znalosti idiomů obsahujících části těla.
Susan and Steve are head over ________ in love. I almost envy them.
When little Mike came home, he was covered with mud from head to ________.
After Jessica got fired, she was very sad. She called her best friend, because she needed a ________ to cry on.
This is really a small village. Not many people live in this ________ of the woods.
Don't be afraid to put some ________ grease into it, otherwise the stain won't come off.
He called me yesterday and tried to pick my ________ about the new project, but I didn't tell him anything.
Wait in the garden and keep your eyes ________. They should be here any minute.
I'm having a bad ________ day. I break everything I touch.
I managed to pass the exam by the skin of my ________.
I still can't wrap my ________ around the fact she moved back in with him.