Vydáno dne 28.03.2020
Patří do věty sloveso SAY a nebo sloveso TELL?
The girl ________ hello when she saw me.
First, ________ your name and why you are calling.
She didn't want to ________ me her last name.
He just took it and didn't even ________ thank you.
She believes anything they ________ on television.
Don't ________ ‘hell’ in a church!
How was your date? ________ me everything!
Don't ________ me what to do! You're not my mother!
Come on, ________ the truth. I'm not going to be mad.
________ what you want. I'm not listening to you.
She ________ me her name was Jane.
Listen, I need to ________ you something.
‘I want to go home,’ the boy ________ quietly.
How do you ________ ‘sandwich’ in Spanish?
Shut up for a minute! – What? What did you ________ to me?