Miscellaneous Vocabulary and Collocations 1

Vydáno dne 08.04.2020

Test zaměřený na pokročilejší vazby, kolokace, idiomy apod.

  1. He figured it was ________ time they got engaged.

    1. about
    2. highly
    3. just
    4. right
  2. We went for a drink last night and chatted for hours on ________.

    1. end
    2. hours
    3. term
    4. time
  3. ‘________ your age!’ she said to her daughter. ‘You're not a teenager anymore!’

    1. Act
    2. Behave
    3. Keep
    4. Treat
  4. Somebody reported him for smoking weed ________ job.

    1. at the
    2. during his
    3. on the
    4. while at
  5. It's impossible to live without a cell phone in this day and ________.

    1. age
    2. date
    3. hour
    4. time
  6. There are 365 days in a year, except for a ________ year.

    1. bounce
    2. jump
    3. leap
    4. spring
  7. The vet suggested surgery but we decided to let nature run its ________.

    1. circuit
    2. course
    3. race
    4. track
  8. A ________ second later, he was gone.

    1. spit
    2. spitting
    3. split
    4. splitting
  9. The politician announced on his Twitter that he was not going to run for ________ next year.

    1. candidate
    2. office
    3. politics
    4. voters
  10. He's currently serving a prison ________ for bribery.

    1. period
    2. run
    3. term
    4. time
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) a, 3) a, 4) c, 5) a, 6) c, 7) b, 8) c, 9) b, 10) c
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