Velký novoroční kvíz

Vydáno dne 01.01.2021

Dokážete se poprat s otázkami, které v našich kvízech série Word of the Day dopadly nejhůř? Máme pro vás celkem 24 otázek.

V naší výukové aplikaci EnglishMe! najdete každý den nové slovíčko či frázi a k němu článek v seriálu Word of the Day (tyto články tam najdete i zpětně, ale na webu Help for English jsou k dispozici vždy pouze 24 hodin). K těmto slovíčkům vydáváme každý měsíc dva kvízy o deseti otázkách.

My jsme nyní vzali kvízy za posledních 12 měsíců a z každého z nich vybrali tu otázku, která statisticky dopadla nejhůře. Nyní tedy nabízíme 24 otázek, které můžete zkusit znovu.

  1. December 2019 (quiz A)
    She poured him some of the raspberry ________ that was left over from the party.

    1. liqer
    2. liquer
    3. liqueur
    4. liquor
  2. December 2019 (quiz B)
    I took a bottle of water to keep thirst at ________.

    1. a distance
    2. arm's length
    3. bay
    4. hand
  3. January 2020 (quiz A)
    The fact that she worked in an office and he was just a ________ worker did put a few wrinkles in their relationship. She got over it, though, and now they're very happy.

    1. beige-collar
    2. blue-collar
    3. pink-collar
    4. white-collar
  4. January 2020 (quiz B)
    I paid all my debts so now I can start with a clean ________.

    1. break
    2. page
    3. shield
    4. slate
  5. February 2020 (quiz A)
    I couldn't ________ the idea of working in an office for the rest of my life.

    1. back
    2. foot
    3. head
    4. stomach
  6. February 2020 (quiz B)
    The fair offered ________ for college students.

    1. a free entry
    2. free admission
    3. free entrance fee
    4. free of charge
  7. March 2020 (quiz A)
    Yes, Mr Lewis called me yesterday and wanted to ________ my brains about the new business I'm setting up with my brother.

    1. pick
    2. pull
    3. push
    4. steal
  8. March 2020 (quiz B)
    ‘It's pointless anyway,’ she said with ________ of resignation.

    1. a faint
    2. a scent
    3. a slight
    4. an air
  9. April 2020 (quiz A)
    The ________ bug had to wiggle around on its back until it managed to roll over.

    1. downsized
    2. upended
    3. upped
    4. upsided
  10. April 2020 (quiz B)
    I was working as a waitress in a small café back then, and I could barely make ________ .

    1. coins come
    2. ends meet
    3. hands wave
    4. money go
  11. May 2020 (quiz A)
    The ________ at the reception desk were quite rude.

    1. bloke
    2. dude
    3. fellow
    4. folk
  12. May 2020 (quiz B)
    There are only a few ________ buildings in the city.

    1. cloud-rise
    2. high-rise
    3. sky-rise
    4. tall-rise
  13. June 2020 (quiz A)
    The barman was nervously eyeing ________ the group of people entering the pub. They were clearly drunk and he didn't want another commotion.

    1. ---
    2. down
    3. off
    4. up
  14. June 2020 (quiz B)
    The rainstorm turned the narrow river into a raging ________.

    1. current
    2. flow
    3. stream
    4. torrent
  15. July 2020 (quiz A)
    You can't park your car in the middle of the street and start ________ it down!

    1. hosing
    2. piping
    3. plumbing
    4. tubing
  16. July 2020 (quiz B)
    A dog is not a toy that you can abandon ________ a whim.

    1. at
    2. in
    3. on
    4. with
  17. August 2020 (quiz A)
    He was wearing a perfect ________ suit, but the pink tie was a bit too much.

    1. bespeak
    2. bespeaking
    3. bespoke
    4. bespoken
  18. August 2020 (quiz B)
    What is your starting salary expectation? Can you give me a ________ figure?

    1. ball game
    2. ballpark
    3. ballroom
    4. baseball
  19. September 2020 (quiz A)
    Please leave the window slightly ________. I need some fresh air.

    1. ajar
    2. aloft
    3. ashore
    4. atop
  20. September 2020 (quiz B)
    Always ________ your headlights when you are driving behind another car so that the driver is not dazzled by your lights in their mirror.

    1. dip
    2. down
    3. drop
    4. mute
  21. October 2020 (quiz A)
    The apple pie was served with a ________ of whipped cream on top. It was delicious.

    1. dollop
    2. mock
    3. pouch
    4. truffle
  22. October 2020 (quiz B)
    What you're saying is true ________ some extent.

    1. in
    2. of
    3. to
    4. with
  23. November 2020 (quiz A)
    I'm not going to invite a lot of people. I don't want the party to get out of ________.

    1. a hand
    2. hand
    3. hands
    4. the hands
  24. November 2020 (quiz B)
    He will ________ bananas if you so much as scratch the car!

    1. eat
    2. go
    3. peel
    4. throw
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) c, 3) b, 4) d, 5) d, 6) b, 7) a, 8) d, 9) b, 10) b, 11) d, 12) b, 13) a, 14) d, 15) a, 16) c, 17) c, 18) b, 19) a, 20) a, 21) a, 22) c, 23) b, 24) b
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