Vydáno dne 26.02.2020
Slovní zásoba ze zjednodušené povídky Geoffrey Chaucera.
verb - to put a dead person's body in the ground
verb - to defeat an army in a war and take control of the country
verb - to cause difficulties that prevent an event or process from continuing normally
verb - to leave someone to die or to suffer
noun - a nobleman of high rank (one who is in charge of a part of a country or of a small country)
adjective - very angry
verb - to feel great sorrow
noun - a group of trees growing together, a small cultivated wood
noun - great respect
noun - a person who steals valuable things, especially during a war etc.
noun - kindness that is shown by somebody who has power to hurt someone or make someone suffer
verb - to speak to a god
noun - the words spoken to a god, the act of speaking to a god
verb - to do something unpleasant to somebody who has done something bad or wrong
verb - to have the power over a country, people etc. and use it
noun - a long straight stick with a sharp point at one end which is used as a weapon
noun - a sport event in which many players compete against each other
noun - a person who is not loyal to his country, his friends etc.
noun - the use of dishonest methods in order to achieve something
adjective - injured
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