Vydáno dne 10.01.2019
Nejznámější zahradní květiny
noun - a plant with large flowers that are usually pink, purple or white
noun - a plant with pretty colorful flowers grown either indoors or in gardens,
noun - a plant with fragrant yellow or orange flowers that is used in medicine
noun - a climbing plant with large flowers of many shapes and colours
noun - a small yellow (or white or purple) flower that appears in early spring
noun - a plant with yellow or white flowers on tall stems that grows in spring
noun - a garden plant with colourful flowers of various sizes and shapes
noun - a North American herb used especially in alternative medicine
noun - a bulbous plant with many small blue, purple or pink flowers
noun - a garden bush with large clusters of flowers that are usually blue or pink
noun - a ball-shaped garden flower with bright colours
noun - a plant with beautiful purple or yellow flowers and sword-shaped leaves
noun - an aromatic shrub with pale purple flowers
noun - a large bush with sweet smelling purple or white flowers
noun - a large white flower
noun - a wild plant of the legume family
noun - a garden plant with orange or yellow flowers
noun - an edible garden plant with circular leaves and orange, yellow or red flowers
noun - a garden plant with large velvet petals
noun - a garden bush with large round flowers that are usually red, white or pink
noun - a small plant with evergreen leaves and pale yellow flowers that bloom in spring; you may find cultivars of various colours
noun - a nice-smelling flower with thorns (usually red or white)
noun - a plant with a large yellow flower that produces edible seeds (which are used to make oil and other things)
noun - a nice, sweet smelling flower that is grown in gardens, it grows from a bulb
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