Vydáno dne 22.08.2021
Otestujte si znalosti základní slovní zásoby spojené
s popisem lidí.
Her husband is only 1 metre 60. He's quite ________.
Top fashion models are usually ________.
________ – He is tall and very handsome.
He's a kind man and he is very ________. He likes giving things to people.
________ now? – They're both 1 metre 10.
Her hair is beautiful, but it's ________, and she has always wanted curly hair.
When you say that somebody is nice, it means they are ________.
What's Colin like? – ________
Her husband doesn't talk much. – Yes, I know. He's very ________, but they're happy together.
And ________ was your grandma like? – Oh, she was very kind. I loved her a lot.