Vydáno dne 24.08.2019
Slovíčka z článku na Help for English
noun - a plant like a small low tree
noun - a round object used to fasten clothes
noun - a small brown insect that makes very specific sounds, esp. at night
verb - to put your arms around somebody to show your affection
verb - to move back and forth, form side to side, or up and down (in the air), to fly in this manner
noun - a narrow horizontal surface that sticks out from a wall or rock etc.
noun - a grassy field
noun - an insect that looks like a butterfly which usually flies at night
noun - a special time when something happens
noun - a hole in the ground
noun - an artificial or natural area of fresh water that is smaller than a lake
verb - to damage something, to make something lose its value, function, beauty etc.
adjective - very clean and bright, polished
noun - one of the parts of a shirt or a coat etc. that cover the arms
verb - to shine with many small flashing lights
verb - to make dirty by making dirty spots on something
verb - to damage something by pulling it apart, such as paper, cloth etc.
noun - a sharp point on a plant, e.g. a rose
noun - a kind of a handkerchief made from very soft paper
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