Tyčky, hůlky (TEST)

Vydáno dne 24.01.2022

Otestujte si znalost překladů různých tyčí a holí

  1. My grandpa sometimes has to use his walking ________ to stand up, especially after sitting for a long time.

    1. pole
    2. rod
    3. staff
    4. stick
  2. Just as the third teammate was about to pass the ________ to the last runner, he tripped and fell.

    1. bat
    2. baton
    3. pole
    4. rod
  3. The ball did hit the ________ but still went in and we won!

    1. goalpost
    2. pole
    3. rod
    4. signpost
  4. The killer spent almost twenty years behind ________ and was released recently.

    1. bars
    2. rods
    3. staffs
    4. sticks
  5. I never had a problem to put up a tent really, but my girlfriend's tent was something else. There were so many ________ I couldn't make head or tail of it.

    1. canes
    2. poles
    3. rods
    4. sticks
  6. I got out of the car and saw a man with a white ________ standing on the sidewalk, not knowing which way to go, so I asked him if he needed help.

    1. baton
    2. cane
    3. pole
    4. wand
  7. She needed to water the hanging baskets with her lovely petunias, which were very high, so she used a spray ________.

    1. post
    2. staff
    3. stick
    4. wand
  8. Most golfers put their ________ away in the autumn and forget about the sport until the spring thaw.

    1. batons
    2. bats
    3. clubs
    4. rods
  9. My father was very proud of his new fishing ________. None of the other fishermen had one like that.

    1. baton
    2. cane
    3. rod
    4. stick
  10. The two bass players in the back kept talking so the conductor tapped his ________ against the music stand.

    1. baton
    2. cane
    3. pole
    4. rod
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) b, 3) a, 4) a, 5) b, 6) b, 7) d, 8) c, 9) c, 10) a
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