Vydáno dne 10.01.2016
Slovíčka a fráze z MHD
Níže naleznete fráze a vět, které můžete slyšet či použít v MHD. Dole na stránce jsou cvičení. Některá lze spouštět i vícekrát po sobě s tím, že pokaždé budou obsahovat trochu jiné otázky či věty.
Další cvičení budeme dle potřeby doplňovat.
Ticket, please. *1
Show me your ticket, please. *2
Can I see your ticket, please? *3
Where can I buy a ticket? *4
You can't buy a ticket from the driver.
Your ticket is valid 30 minutes only.
You have to have a ticket. *7
Don't get on. *8
Don't get off. *9
Don't play loud music. *10
Don't talk to the driver. *11
Don't make noise. *12
Don't be noisy. *13
Take your backpack off, Sir. *14
Don't cause trouble. *15
Don't stand close to the door. *16
Don't take food and drink on board. *17
You have to get off at the next stop. *18
This is the last stop. *19
You have to change at the next stop. *20
Get off here. *21
You have to change buses at the next stop.
Change for the number 15 here. *23
I have to check your ticket. *24
The ticket marker is situated in the middle
of the bus. *25
You can only mark the paper ticket once.
The weekend ticket is only valid for two
adults and three children. *27
You need a ticket for your luggage. *28
This is a ticket for a child. *29
This ticket isn't valid. *30
You can buy a ticket with your contactless
card. *31
I'll help you buy the ticket. *32
You can buy up to 5 tickets here. *33
You cannot travel without a ticket. *34
The timetable is at the stop. *35
You can use contactless cards only. *36
Follow me, I'll show you how to use it.
You have to tap your card. *38
Turn it down! *39
Calm down! *40
Mark your ticket as soon as you board.