Words of the Day (Jun 2022)

Vydáno dne 11.07.2022

Test zaměřený na 10 slov, která se v průběhu června 2022 objevila v rámci ‘Slovíček dne’ na našich stránkách.

  1. Megan felt a little nauseous so she ________.

    1. had another glass of whisky
    2. had something unhealthy to eat
    3. lay down for a while
    4. went jogging
  2. His wife was wearing a ________ dress, but she looked very elegant.

    1. plain
    2. plait
    3. plane
    4. plate
  3. Oh, you shouldn't have. I only needed a simple phone, nothing ________.

    1. fancy
    2. fiery
    3. fussy
    4. fuzzy
  4. What's the name of this plant? It has fascinating ________. I've never seen leaves like that.

    1. foil
    2. folders
    3. foliage
    4. folio
  5. Does the ice cream have any artificial ________ or preservatives?

    1. dunks
    2. flavourings
    3. gusts
    4. tastes
  6. He had an accident when he was a child and has a small ________ on his left forearm.

    1. scar
    2. scare
    3. scarf
    4. skit
  7. The little boy ________ my hand and didn't want to let go.

    1. grabbed
    2. grazed
    3. gritted
    4. groped
  8. He opened the car door and accidentally set ________ the alarm.

    1. off
    2. on
    3. out
    4. over
  9. I love my kids, but they constantly push my ________.

    1. buttons
    2. doors
    3. legs
    4. neck
  10. Mike has always wanted to have a ________ stomach, but since he's lazy to exercise, he wants to have the fat sucked out.

    1. even
    2. flat
    3. level
    4. straight
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) a, 3) a, 4) c, 5) b, 6) a, 7) a, 8) a, 9) a, 10) b
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