Vydáno dne 03.03.2023
Umíte používat modální slovesa pro vyjádření dedukcí?
Look, they're holding hands. They ________ lovers.
I have no idea why she didn't answer the phone. She ________ busy.
Tom ________ this essay. His writing skills aren't that good.
Ask Oliver for help with the text. He lived in Germany for some time, so he ________ German.
Your brother is sitting in the corner and he looks bored. He ________ fun.
We ________ to London next week, but we haven't decided yet.
Why hasn't he arrived yet? – He ________. It's not easy to find your house.
The guy who's just arrived ________ Liam's brother. They look so much alike.
We tried to be very quiet when we got home. We were afraid our parents ________.
Look at her. She's put on a lot of weight. – Yes, or she ________ pregnant.