Cvičení: MAYBE vs. MAY BE

Vydáno dne 28.04.2023

Umíte správně používat MAYBE a MAY BE? Procvičte si to.

  1. I know you believe him, but he ________ wrong.

    1. may be
    2. maybe
  2. We ________________________ on holiday to Hawaii next year.

    1. may go
    2. may will go
  3. ________ he's going to buy her a new car.

    1. May be
    2. Maybe
  4. It ________ sunny tomorrow.

    1. may be
    2. maybe
  5. I'm not sure now, but I ________ come tomorrow. I'll call you tonight.

    1. may
    2. maybe
  6. Ask her out. She ________ go out with you.

    1. may
    2. maybe
  7. I know they're losing now, but they still ________ win.

    1. may
    2. maybe will
  8. ________ your wife is lying to you.

    1. May be
    2. Maybe
  9. I would tell him everything if I were you, but he ________ not believe you.

    1. may
    2. maybe
  10. I'm busy right now, but ________ my brother will help you.

    1. may be
    2. maybe
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) a, 3) b, 4) a, 5) a, 6) a, 7) a, 8) b, 9) a, 10) b
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