Cvičení: slovíčka spojená se strachem

Vydáno dne 22.07.2024

Umíte správně používat slovíčka spojená se strachem?

  1. I'm ________ about my test results. I don't think I did well.

    1. scared
    2. worried
  2. I'm sorry, sir. I'm ________ there's nothing I can do about it.

    1. afraid
    2. frightened
  3. Steve doesn't want to come with us. He's ________ of heights.

    1. terrified
    2. terrifying
  4. Everybody says he's a great actor, but he often suffers from stage ________.

    1. fright
    2. panic
  5. She's always been scared ________ spiders.

    1. about
    2. of
  6. His heart was beating with ________ as he approached the haunted house.

    1. anticipation
    2. terror
  7. He was ________ of spiders and screamed when he saw one.

    1. amused
    2. petrified
  8. The old, abandoned house looked very ________ at night.

    1. intimidated
    2. spooky
  9. Despite her ________, she stepped into the dark, unknown room.

    1. confidence
    2. fear
  10. There were strange noises in the attic and it felt very ________.

    1. creepy
    2. terrified
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) a, 3) a, 4) a, 5) b, 6) b, 7) b, 8) b, 9) b, 10) a
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