Help for English

Překlad písně - The zombie


Dobrý den, pomohl by mi někdo s překladem této písně, do slově ho přeložit není problém ale přeložit ho tak aby dával smysl je problém.

Předem děkuji.

Another head hangs lowly
child is slowly taken
and the violence caused such silence
Who are we mistaken?

But you see, it's not me
it's not my family
In your head, in your head they are fighting
with their tanks and their bombs
and their bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head they are crying

In your head, in your head
zombie, zombie, zombie, hey, hey, hey
what's in your head
in your head
zombie, zombie, zombie
hey, hey, hey, hey, oh
dou, dou, dou, dou, dou

Another mother's breakin'
heart is taking over
when the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken

It's the same old theme
since nineteen-sixteen
In your head, in your head they're still fighting
with their tanks and their bombs
and their bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head they are dying

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Satriani-martina vložený před 8 lety

Dobrý den, pomohl by mi někdo s překladem této písně, do slově ho přeložit není problém ale přeložit ho tak aby dával smysl je problém.

Předem děkuji.

Another head hangs lowly
child is slowly taken
and the violence caused such silence
Who are we mistaken?

But you see, it's not me
it's not my family
In your head, in your head they are fighting
with their tanks and their bombs
and their bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head they are crying

In your head, in your head
zombie, zombie, zombie, hey, hey, hey
what's in your head
in your head
zombie, zombie, zombie
hey, hey, hey, hey, oh
dou, dou, dou, dou, dou

Another mother's breakin'
heart is taking over
when the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken

It's the same old theme
since nineteen-sixteen
In your head, in your head they're still fighting
with their tanks and their bombs
and their bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head they are dying

Když to není problém, dejte sem napřed svůj překlad a někdo Vám určitě pomůže poopravit ty obtížné úseky.

Dobrý deň. Pri prechádzaní týmto fórom som narazil aj na tento príspevok. Podstatná časť textu je pre mňa zrozumiteľná.

Akosi sa však neviem vysporiadať s významom otázky: Who are we mistaken? Jedná sa trpný rod, že? Mohlo by byť prekladom, povedzme: Kto nás to zmýlil? Vďaka komu sme schybili? Ďakujem.

Pokud by zajímalo i co je za tím, mrkni sem:…ng-analysis/


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