Help for English

What\'s your favorite PC game?


2gothsweeting: I recommend games like „Blade Runner“ or „I have no mouth and I must scream“ based upon books by P. K. Dick. They are the old classic point-and-click adventures. I have never played them, but friend of mine was really amazed about them.
2all: My favourite game is Shadow of Colossus on PS2. On PC it is Beyond Good & Evil by Michel Ancel. And many others, especially RPGs and car racing games.

When I was about 12 years old I like Roller Coaster tycoon, The worms, Heroes 3 best. Now I prefer The Sims 2 8-) But I enjoy playing Call of duty or Counter-strike too :-D

I like Prehistoric 1 and 2. These are my favourite games.

Does anyone has a code for level#2? Please advise.

I like Call of duty 1 and 2, Medal of Honor, Fifa07 and Fifa10.

Hello 8-)
I play Lara Croft. I like it. :-)

Although I don't play PC games or any others any more. The most amazing and at the same time the best game I've ever played is GTA: San Andreas. It's quite an old one(released in 2004), but I learned so much! I assume that most of you know this game, so describing it isn't needed. I was playing it for many years and a good thing about is that there's used everyday english(often spoken and informal). And in addition, the story is amazing so you'll like it until the very end. I recommed it, but I think you already played it because it used to be a hit.

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. Old school point&click adventure game.

How about Fallout 3? Rings any bells for you? This was my last played game and I pretty much loved it. It is quite good as far as learning English is concerned as there are many texts and NPC speak nice English. Anyway, the graphical engine is based on the engine of game The Oblivion which was another great game which I played and again includes lots of texts. As was Heroes 3 – I spent a lot of hours playing it, just like heroes 2. RCT 3 is much worse than RCT 2 as for the gameplay. Even Themes Hospital used to be better. Worms is not that good if you want to learn English :--)

To date, my most favorite text-game has been Seabase Delta. It's rather difficult. The texts are ok but work out a solution is often a formidable task :) There's still 50% ahead of me.

Yeah, honestly speaking, the likes of Seabase Delta are the toughest ones I have ever come across.

McKay: Thanks, that's nice to hear.

A few years ago, when I had finished TEN LITTLE INDIANS, pretty much the whole Gympl in Přelouč was playing the game… and one girl at a party told me: I only play two games. SIMS 2 and TEN LITTLE INDIANS. That was so great to hear!


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