Help for English

...more than it would be to my liking.


Zdravím :)

Chtěl bych vás poprosit o radu ohledně jedné “věty”:

  • It wouldn´t be to my liking. – OK
  • …more than it would be to my liking. – Šlo by i toto?

Díky moc!

Co vlastně chcete říct česky? I can't imagine a context in which it would be possible to end a sentence in English with this phrase.

No results found for “more than it would be to my liking”.

Něco ve smyslu:

  • …(více) než by se mi líbilo.
  • …(více) než by bylo k mé radosti.

Nebo ještě :

  • Sousedka je zvědavější víc než bych si přál (aby byla) apod…

Tak nějak v tomto kontextu jsem si představoval, že bych to mohl použít. Jsem si vědom, že v mé větě se sousedkou bych musel vystřídat “would be” za “it is”.

Sousedka je zvědavější víc než bych si přál.

My neighbour is more curious/inqui­sitive/nosey than it would be to my liking. (No dummy “it”.) Grammatically correct without “it”, too bookish/formal for most situations.

My neighbour is more curious/inqui­sitive/nosey than I'd [= I would] like. Better.

My neighbour is too curious/inqui­sitive/nosey for my liking. (Stress on my.) This is the most idiomatic version.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 7 lety

Sousedka je zvědavější víc než bych si přál.

My neighbour is more curious/inqui­sitive/nosey than it would be to my liking. (No dummy “it”.) Grammatically correct without “it”, too bookish/formal for most situations.

My neighbour is more curious/inqui­sitive/nosey than I'd [= I would] like. Better.

My neighbour is too curious/inqui­sitive/nosey for my liking. (Stress on my.) This is the most idiomatic version.

Dane a proč jednou FOR a jednou TO my liking.

Je to proto, že když použiji:

přídavné jméno:

Too curious FOR my liking.

v jiných případech:

It is not TO my liking.

Chápu, že To my liking je fakt hodně formální.

Co jsem našel:

adjective + for my liking

The bath was just warm enough for my liking. Her skirt was a little too short for her mother's liking. The weather was not dry enough enough for his liking, so he decided not to go running that day.

(pro)noun + to my liking

The colour of the paint is just to my liking! Oh, how lovely and spicy! That's just to my liking. The English teacher is not to my liking, I think I will take a French class instead.

Yes, you're both right. For my/you/his/her/ou­r/your/their liking (the possessive adjective my etc. carries the stress) is a set phrase. It doesn't change, it's not governed by any other syntax in the sentence. See H4E.

The dog wasn't to their liking (= formal version of they didn't like the dog). It was too boisterous for their liking so they had to take it back to the refuge. (stress on their).

There are many more examples on Google.

A já děkuji za pomoc!! Moc si toho vážím :)


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