věděl by někdo proč je na letišti passport control a ne passport check?
věděl by někdo proč je na letišti passport control a ne passport check?
Control zde odkazuje na ty lidi, kteří kontrolujou pasy.
https://www.ldoceonline.com/…nary/control (význam 6)
I zde jde vlastně o použití základního významu slova, tedy řízení regulace nad tím, které pasy budou vpuštěny a které ne.
Oxford to vysvětluje možná trochu přesněji než Longman (with modifier) The place from which a system or activity is directed or where a particular item is verified. ‘passport control’ More example sentences ‘Already, talk has begun in some quarters about the need to tighten up on border controls to prevent illegal immigrants who might be potential terrorists getting into the country.’ ‘Sets of parallel lines painted on the tarmac led him to the passport control kiosks and the customs sheds beyond.’ ‘In the shop after passport control, some goods were being sold at high-street prices.’ ‘At the passport control desk, the officer holds your passport against a scanner which reads the code.’ ‘If you get your visa in the UK before you go, you can skip this queue, go direct to passport control and be first in the baggage reclaim queue.’ ‘All this means is that passport control can verify that you are who you say you are.’ ‘We are not Customs we're not Police, we don't have the powers to enforce border control.’ ‘He was stopped at passport control at the airport.’ ‘Then there is the routine stop and search and the rigmarole at airport passport control.’ ‘target: not reached’ Synonyms headquarters, hq, base, centre of operations, command post
V článku False friends: Control / kontrolovat se píše toto:
V několika málo spojeních se používá podstatné jméno CONTROL i jako kontrola v českém slova smyslu (ve významu zjišťování, že je něco v pořádku). Jedná se především o:
passport control – pasová kontrola
quality control – kontrola kvality (např. ve firmě)
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