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I was delighted to read your article on town twinning in last week´s Heningford Herald.

I feel that I can agree with you in the way you write your article. Firstly, I am sure we can find many people who look at the town twinning in the negative way or they are even totally against it at all. They include many local factory workers as well as the other employees. Your respondent, Mr Arthur Clark, belongs to them doubtless.

Secondly, I like the position you take in your article. You do not try to persuade the others to follow your own opinion but you just put questions which should be answered.

Despite of this I have one suggestion for you. You chose only a one single respondent to answer your questions. That makes your article being too irrelevant and one-sided. I suggest you to choose at least two respondents with quite different opinions next time. I am sure there are also many people who support the town twinning and look at it in the positive way.

On the other hand you give space to the other people as I am to express our opinions. So let me take the opportunity now.

I agree with Mr Clark it was not ordinary people who decide about doing cultural exchanges. On the other hand nobody is really pressed to participate. The participation is always voluntary. And the culture exchanges can help the participants to understand other people better and get rid of the stereotypes.

In conclusion, I would just like to emphasise that I think your article was a useful contribution to the cultural development of our wonderful town.

Teda stačí mi vědět, zda toto je správně (bylo mi to opraveno jako nespravné a já s tím nesouhlasím):

delighted to read (oprava: delighting in reading)
article on (article about)
last week´s Heningford Herald (Heningford Herald last week)
Your respondent, Mr Arthur Clark, belongs to them doubtless (Your respondent, Mr Arthur Clark, doubtless belongs to them)
position you take (position you hold)
the other people as I am (the other people as I do)
it was not ordinary people (it were not ordinary people)
about doing cultural (to do cultural)

No, nic bych si z těch oprav nedělal. Nečetl jsem to celé, ale těch pár prvních vět je opravených vyloženě špatně (buď to máte správně, a je to opravené špatně, a nebo to máte špatně a je to opravené taky špatně). Já bych toho opravil ještě trochu víc… ale bohužel moc nestíhám, tak vám to celé opravit nemůžu.


hej rysa? ty si rys z ustí ? ten učitel na gymplu? lynx?

Thank you very much. I have already discussed it with a native speaker and she told me the same. So I will definitely offend myself.

Can I just ask yet..what´s the difference between doubtless and undoubtedly? But I really mean „undoubtedly belongs to them“.

DOUBTLESS a UNDOUBTEDLY jsou synonyma, jen v té větě mi to DOUBTLESS nesedělo, spíš kvůli slovosledu.

Hey rysa can you answer my question please?
Are you mr. lynx? or is it just a name coincidence?

Nejsem vůbec žádný Mr., ani rys ani lynx:o). Jsem totiž slečna a ta Rysa je jen taková moje internetová přezdívka. Ale z Ústí téměř jsem, ze Sezimova Ústí…

Ok thx for explanation :)

Ahoj, mohl by mi někdo poradit, měli jsme za úkol napsat krátký text o našich prázdninách nebo cestě do zahraničí, ale nevím zda jsou zde nějaké chyby.

When I was about 13–14 years old my mother, her boyfriend, my brother and I we went to Croatia for 14 days.It was my first holiday in abroad. We went by bus, the weather was very warm and we were traveling for 12 hours, it was terrible. But when we came to our hotel I was happy, because I love sea and we stood near the beach. It was the most beautiful sandy beach in Croatia.Our hotel was a bit small, but nice and food was delicious. The weather was beautiful all holiday. At the morning I got up and I went on the beach every day. I was swimming for 5 hours a day. My family and I we went for a walk every afternoon. But the problem was when I felt ill, I had to stayed in a hotel and I couldn't swimming in the sea. I was very sad, but my family stayed with me. Thought it was a great holiday.

Děkuji moc

We v první větě je navíc, už je tam podmět,
in abroad – pouze abroad bez předložky,
travelling – dvě l,
stood – stayed (stand-stát na místě, stay-pobývat,bydlet někde),
the food – konkrétní jídlo, které jsme měli v hotelu,
at the morning – in the morning,
we – znovu navíc (my family and I už je podmět),
felt ill – fell ill (fall-fell-fallen),
had to stayed – had to stay (už je minulý čas had to),
a hotel – the hotel (už víme, o který hotel jde),
couldn´t swimming – couldn´t swim,

Byla to taková rychlá oprava, tak snad jsem nic nepřehlídla.

Děkuji Lucie, pa


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