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Adam ran through some big doors. A woman shouted, ‘Hey, you have to buy a ticket’ But Adam didn’t stop. He pushed through a door and he saw a lots of people sitting on big red chairs eating popcorn and screaming, he immidiately started screaming too. He was in a cinema. They played a horror movie called ‘Psycho’ by Alfed Hitchcock, but Adam never ever saw something like that he though that people are trapped behind the screen so he took a first thing what he saw and threw it to the screen, after that he broke it and people were very angry and started yelling some dirty words. Adam was very frightened and ran away.
He was again at the street, he didn’t know what to do. He felt very scary, however he got an idea: ‘Maybe I have to return to the place where I woke up’. But he didn’t know how to get there, so he asked a women in black jacket for a way, he just remember that the place where he woke up was next to big metal wheel. Of course he meant the biggest ferris wheel in Europe called ‘London eye’, but he didn’t know what is it.
After he got there he saw the place what he was supposed to find. He was so happy he walked into it and he fell asleep. When he woke up he was happier than ever, he was back. He immidiately ran to his house if is allright, and it were. He told this tale to his childrens but they just laughed.


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