Dobrý den Můj kamarád původem z Německa se začal učit Anglicky, ale má velké problémy, tak jsem mu napsal e-mail, ve kterém mu radím co zlepšit a podobně. Chtěl bych abyste se na něho podívali a po připádě opravili chyby . Velice Vám děkuji.
Hi Lutz I’m sorry you are feeling bad, but please don’t worry about English. I am sure, you going to be better and better. Don’t give it up! I can help you and recommend you some advices, that should help you. When I came to grammar school I felt sometimes same as you. English was very difficult for me. But then I decided to not give it up and I started with some things that can help you too. Before I only used to watch films in Czech, but now only in English with subtitles. Try this too, I’m sure it will help you a lot. Also you can try to not watch to subtitles. This helped me very much. Try to remember a pronunciation and then repeat it, this is very useful. Also I think it’s a good idea to listen to music in English. This will help you with vocabulary and pronunciation aswell. I hope that this will help you. I’m looking forward for hearing about your English soon.