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Dobrý deň, potrebujem o skontrolovaní tohto kratučkého tzv. slohu o vyváženej strave, či je to napísané korektne : BALANCED DIET

This notion is unknown for a lot of people or they are just not interested in it.
They eat whatever,according to their likings or they barely eat anything.
Then it reflects on their figure.If healthy person wants to engage in a healthy sport or simply sport,so it is important to combine it with a wholesome balanced diet. Balanced diet means something,people quite like and do not feel disgust after that. Of course, it must not contain allergens.It must also be a various diet, because our body can not work only on one food, no matter whether wholesome or unwholesome.Proverb has it,it is too much of a good thing.Such a diet has to contain a good ratio of proteins, sugars, lipids etc.In addition to,food ought to be rich in vitamins like A, B, C, D and so on. Too much greasy, fatty food with a big amount of lipids, sugars, conservants, colours must be avoided, because it is bad for us.A healthy drinking regime can not be forgotten, too. Water is the best option.On the basis of the criterion it is not difficult to choose a suitable food to eat,but remember, do not succumb to bad food if you want to do something proper with oneself to change your figure.It suffices that it is not “Regular bad food”.

National food in Slovakia and USA: In Slovakia, there is not a traditional and particular food, there.But we have some food, you do not find anywhere else, for example:dumplings-really dealicious with sheep cheese. Unlike Slovakia, the americans prefer so-called Fast Food (hamburgers, pizza…). At first sight it is really tasty, but in fact it is greasy, oversalted and overcooked. On the one hand, if you are so hungry, impatient and do not want to cook, it is fast form of serving.You pop in a restaurant and your food is prepared fast and simply.However, as I have written, fast food is actually junk food which is a disadvantage.

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