Help for English

"The thing is ..." (formálně)


Moc prosím, jak byste ve formálním stylu nahradili spojení “The thing is…”?

Např.: “I have a problem. The thing is, my boss gives me too much work.”

Nebo: “I need to talk to you. The thing is, we must discuss the problem of … ”

Děkuju mnohokrát!

Úryvek z této stránky :

The thing is that … – this is a great way to start explaining your point when someone asks you to explain something. A more formal way of responding to a question would be "The reason for… is the following…” or “Let me explain you why…” or whatever would be the most fitting sentence for a particular occasion. “The thing is that…” is a universal phrase you can use in nearly all situations when you’re asked to explain something!


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